Empower Virtual Summit:

Impacting At-Risk Populations Through Evidence-Based Programs

Join us at this pioneering event that brings together professionals from child welfare, mental health, criminal and juvenile justice, human services, and education sectors!

What's Included

Free Registration:

  • All general sessions
  • Access to exhibits
  • Keynote address
  • Networking Receptions AND Breakout Sessions on Days 1 and 2
  • Post Event Session Recordings

$25 Registration:

  • All general sessions
  • Access to exhibits
  • Keynote address
  • Networking Receptions AND Breakout Sessions
  • Post Event Session Recordings
  • (15% discount on eLearning courses) Code sent at the end of event
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • Raffle/Game access (Win a free eLearning Course)

The Empower Family

What is Empower 2024 Virtual Summit?

The Empower Virtual Summit is a compelling online event that features our family of organizations! Empower Community Care staff and teams are made of experts from various fields, such as child welfare, mental health, criminal and juvenile justice, human services, and education, who will present 10+ inspirational and informative sessions on new industry trends, case studies, and more. The Summit will also provide break-out opportunities for attendees to connect with Empower’s family of organizations and interact with other attendees. This event promises to be a unique opportunity for professionals to network, learn, and exchange ideas that can make a significant difference in their communities.

Who We Are

Empower's mission is to transform the lives of youth, adults, their families, and communities through the implementation of evidence-based practices, tools, and software. Our organizations all strive to achieve the same goal: producing consistently positive outcomes. With years of research on effectiveness, our approaches are scientifically proven to enhance the lives of those involved in justice, child welfare, mental health, and education systems.

Session Topics

  • YASI Forum: Advances in the Implementation of Risk, Needs and Strength Assessment for Justice-Involved Youth (Orbis Partners)
  • Incredible Years: Scaling Evidence-Based Early Intervention Programs: Strategies for Success (Incredible Years)
  • Achieving successful implementation of Functional Family Therapy (FFT) and other evidence-based programs– How the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) has worked in Maryland (FFT LLC)
  • 8 Keys to Success: Essential Insights for Individuals within Probation and Parole Supervision (Carey Group)
  • Balancing Fidelity and Real-World Implementation Challenges in Implementing Multisystemic Therapy (MST) (MST Services)
  • Data-Driven Decision Making for Behavioral Health Agencies: How to Put Your Data to Work (for You) (Evidence-Based Associates)



October 9

time iconOctober 9, 2024 10:00 am

Real World EBP Implementation: Opportunities & Pitfalls in Community Based Settings | Keynote w/ Andrew “Andy” Cleek, Psy.D

The Presentation will address the opportunities and potential barriers associated with implementing Evidence Based Practices in community-based settings.  Specific tips will be included for EBP selection, team composition, and organizational readiness.   The presentation will include lessons learned from statewide implementations and how practitioners, organizations, and payers can design EBP implementations to be successful.

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Andrew "Andy" Cleek
Deputy Executive Director of the McSilver Institute at NYU

time iconOctober 9, 2024 10:45 am

Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument (YASI) Forum: Advances in the Implementation of Risk, Needs and Strength Assessment for Justice-Involved Youth | Orbis

Orbis Partners will introduce the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument (YASI), a risk, needs and strengths-based assessment tool for justice-involved youth. YASI has been implemented state-wide in 15 jurisdictions and in numerous counties and youth service organizations across the country. The session will draw on participation from representatives of YASI implementations who will discuss recent YASI initiatives in their jurisdictions and describe their successes and challenges. The session will be of interest to jurisdictions, large and small, already using YASI as well as summit participants who want more information about YASI and strength-based approaches for at-risk youth. Time will also be devoted to presenting some of the recent validation research conducted in a number of YASI jurisdictions.

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David Robinson, Ph.D. Robinson, Ph.D.
Orbis Partners | Chief Executive Officer, Director of Assessment

time iconOctober 9, 2024 12:45 pm


time iconOctober 9, 2024 01:20 pm

Scaling Evidence-Based Early Intervention Programs: Strategies for Success | Incredible Years

The Incredible Years® (IY) program series is a set of interlocking and comprehensive early intervention training and curriculum program sets for parents, teachers, and children. This presentation briefly reviews the theoretical foundations, goals, and research underlying these programs.  Dr. Carolyn Webster-Stratton will present her "building blocks" for scaling up an evidence-based program. She will describe how the IY programs have been scaled up slowly and carefully with fidelity by engaging in a collaborative building project with strong links between the developer, agency or school administrator, mentors, coaches, clinicians, and families using eight foundational building blocks or fidelity tools.

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Carolyn Webster-Stratton, M.S., M.P.H., Ph.D.
Incredible Years | Founder & Program Developer

time iconOctober 9, 2024 02:35 pm

Functional Family Therapy (FFT) Model Intro & Overview

This session will introduce you to the Functional Family Therapy model including the basic principles, expected outcomes, and how to start an FFT team at your agency. Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is an evidence-based intervention for youth and families. This high-quality, strength-focused family counseling model is designed primarily for at-risk youth who have been referred by the juvenile justice, mental health, school, or child welfare systems. Services are short-term and conducted in both clinic and home settings, and can also be provided in schools, child welfare facilities, probation and parole systems, and mental health facilities.

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Alexandra "Alex" Louis
Clinical FFT Supervisor for Southwest Key Programs

time iconOctober 9, 2024 03:20 pm

Achieving Successful Implementation of Functional Family Therapy (FFT) and Other Evidence-Based Programs– How the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Has Worked in Maryland

This session will offer participants a framework that has been successfully used in a statewide implementation project that utilizes FFT and other EBP’s. In an effort to provide technical assistance to Maryland providers of FFT, The Institute for Innovation & Implementation instituted a framework that integrates both qualitative and quantitative data to guide technical assistance to Maryland’s EBP’s.  The Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) serves as a tracker for stakeholders and providers to address barriers and uphold successes in model implementation.  Representatives from the Institute, along with FFT’s Implementation Director and a Maryland FFT provider will share how this useful tool can be used to enhance practice for providers and larger statewide projects.

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Helen Midouhas, Ph.D., L.P.C.
FFT Implementation Director

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Lauren Coleman, MSW, LCSW-C
Evidence-Based Training and Technical Assistance Manager | The Institute for Innovation and Implementation | University of Maryland School of Social Work

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Regina Mayers, M.S, NCC, LPC
Multisystemic Therapy (MST) Expert for Maryland | The Institute for Innovation and Implementation | University of Maryland School of Social Work

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Joe Robertson
VisionQuest MD FFT Program Director

October 10

time iconOctober 10, 2024 10:00 am

Keynote (Coming Soon!)

time iconOctober 10, 2024 10:45 am

Networking/Breakout Sessions Break

time iconOctober 10, 2024 11:15 am

Maximizing Impact through Trauma-informed Care: Safety, Engagement & Effective Application of Evidenced-based Practices

Now deemed an essential approach, trauma-informed care is transforming how we think about our work across sectors and can ensure the effective application of evidence-based practices. Significant numbers of the clients we work with are living with the impacts of traumatic experiences every day. Interventions that are not trauma-informed take a considerable toll on clients, become barriers to engagement, and compromise staff wellbeing. This presentation will review cutting-edge information on the neurophysiology and ecology of trauma and resilience, including strategies that we can use to transform interactions and outcomes with clients and maximize our wellness and impact while engaging in our day-to-day work. Attendees will be introduced to strategies that can strengthen their agency culture, including the cutting-edge trauma-informed communication model, Creating Regulation and Resilience (CR/2™). CR/2™ helps us bring the principles of trauma-informed care to life in every interaction, enhances client safety and engagement, supports staff wellness, and ensures the successful application of evidence-based interventions. Designed for professionals who work in early childhood and education, behavioral health, juvenile and adult justice, and other sectors, this promises to be a practical and motivating session, with content applicable to work with clients of all ages and information on how agencies can build their capacity to attend to trauma and its impacts and cultivate resilience at the client, staff and organizational levels.

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Alyssa Benedict, MPH, PhD
CORE Associates

time iconOctober 10, 2024 11:55 am

8 Keys to Success: Essential Insights for Individuals within Probation and Parole Supervision | Carey Group

The 8 Keys to Success, tied to criminogenic needs, identifies specific skills that can assist community supervision staff in making long-term behavioral changes with individuals they work with. The workshop will demonstrate how probation officers can take theories and often complicated language and obtain buy-in from justice-involved individuals while providing easy-to-understand real-world strategies and techniques that they can use to effectively make positive changes.

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Rick Parsons
Carey Group | Deputy Director

time iconOctober 10, 2024 01:25 pm

Break + Networking

time iconOctober 10, 2024 01:55 pm

Balancing Fidelity and Real-World Implementation Challenges in Implementing Multisystemic Therapy (MST)

Are you looking for the best outcomes for at-risk youth in your community but unsure how to implement evidence-based services? Are you concerned that an evidenced-based model won’t be unique for the clients or families you serve or will not provide the flexibility and support your staff needs? If so, this session is for you! We will share real-world examples of how communities successfully implement evidence-based services. Participants will learn about different MST treatment types, how they were developed and transported, the populations served, and outcome objectives for each. We will explore how implementation is continuously monitored and transportation adjusted to ensure that it is working today and will continue to work in our ever-changing world.

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Angelia Watson
Manager of MST-CAN Transport | MST Services

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Laurie Spivey
Manager of Network Partnerships | MST Services

time iconOctober 10, 2024 03:10 pm

Data-Driven Decision Making for Behavioral Health Agencies: How to Put your Data to Work | Evidence-Based Associates

Remember when you heard, “Collect all the data you can! We’ll figure out what to do with it later…” In today’s environment, many organizations suffer from having too much data rather than too little. Now that we’re all swimming in data, the question is: how do we utilize it and harness it to maximize program impact and to grow it moving forward? How do we move from measuring outputs to measuring outcomes? In this session, we’ll discuss ‘what’s our Why’ questions related to data collection and management, explore common challenges related to data collection in behavioral health, and identify strategies for overcoming those challenges. We’ll share some of the principles built into the continuous quality improvement (CQI) processes that have helped evidence-based programs like Multisystemic Therapy (MST) achieve remarkable success in this domain.

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Dan Edwards
Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives | Empower Community Care

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Nicole Janer
Senior Director of Operations | Evidence-Based Associates

time iconOctober 10, 2024 04:25 pm


time iconOctober 10, 2024 04:55 pm


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to download or install any software to be able to attend this event?

No. The vFairs platform is compatible with any computer or mobile device and any browser. You only need to have access to the Internet. However, either Google Chrome or Firefox is preferred to run the platform.

Will the sessions be recorded?

Who from Empower Community Care should I contact if I have any event questions?

Who will benefit from attending?

What is included in registration?

Will there be CEU Credits?